Yohiro design garments

Yohiro is the only human main character in this story, therefore, I wanted him to have a strong backstory unlike some of the other characters.

I decided that his profession and family lineage should be reflected in the clothing and patterns Yohiro wears. I gave Yohiro the family name Adachi, as this family name was a well known samurai family name.

From research, I was aware that there were a few traditional japanese patterns that samurai wore, in particular the uroko and yabane pattern.

With this knowledge, I knew I wanted to incorperate a family pattern into Yohiro's garments using these two traditional patterns as inspiration.

The scope

Yohiro everday pattern designs

All of the everday garments that I designed, for Yohiro, incorperated the family patterns I have created. I tried to use the pattern to create a simplistic look, as I wanted his occasional wear to be more lavish and bolder in design.

The scope

Yohiro occasion wear designs

These garments are a lot bolder in colour choice and pattern design, this reflects Yohiro's heritage as a well known samurai family when he is out in public. All of the pattern designs are inspired by nature based japanese traditional patterns. Each pattern sends a message e.g. the blue seigaiha wave pattern symbolises a desire for peaceful living and good luck in a war driven Japan.

The scope

Chosen final Yohiro garment pattern designs

I chose to take forward these 3 outfits as I believed that the colour scheme as well as the pattern combinations not only reflected nature the most, but also reflected Yohiro's family lineage in a distinguished manor.

The scope