Vecan Puds social media campaign

The overview

Choosing the type of campaign

The business proposition

When coming up with my brand proposition I had in mind Who, What, Where and Our in mind.

The Who being my target audience, The What being the content of my posts and types of post, The Where being my Chosen platforms and The Our being my campaign idea.

My chosen social media platforms

Here you can view all the research on my chosen audience and social media demographics.

This research helped me to determine which platform should have more success for this campaign based on current statistics.

Optimum posting times

The week before our social media campaigns went live my class carried out an experiment, this was to determine when the best time for posting our content would be.

Everyone posted a picture on their personal social media and had to wait to see when the likes deteriorated drastically. This data was then gathered and analysed in the table above.

Trending vegan influencers

The aim of finding out and looking at trending influencers in our chosen field (Veganism) is to gather what makes them successful.

It is also to gather what content they post is the most successful and why that may be.

From this we can then apply what works to our own content and campaigns to make them as successful as we can.

Types of account users who follow the the influencers

I then went away and reviewed the type of accounts who follow the leaders in veganism.

I picked 3 at random to display on my portfolio, but I also made 3 personas based on the most common charactersitics account users had. I did this to determine what kind of people I would be trying to target.

Brand identity

This narrative shows the processes of how I got to my final digital designs.

the idea beind the brand identity is that 'Making vegan puddings CAN be easy', Resulting in the brands name VeCan Puds.

I came up with a logo, colour scheme and typography that I thought would give off a vegan vibe. I tired doing this by always make eveything nature orientated.

Implimenting my brand into my content

VeCan Puds chocolate fondant recipe tutorial

Here is my Vegan chocolate fondant tutorial with my implimented brand identity and backing music.

VeCan Puds pancake recipe tutorial

Here is my Vegan pancake tutorial with my implimented brand identity and backing music.

VeCan Puds chocolate brownie recipe tutorial

Here is my Vegan chocolate brownie tutorial with my implimented brand identity and backing music.

Once I had created all my content for posting it was important to then incorporate my brand identity into that.

Not only will that mean I will keep a consistent image, but make me more recognisable as this campaign goes on. It will also deter people from stealing any of content.

You can view all of my content for this campaign above.

Smart goals

Before my campaign went live I set myself SMART goals, this was to show the objectives I wanted to achieve each week and by the end of this campaign.

I will be using these SMART goals at the end of my campaign to analyse the rate of success I had.

Action plan

By creating an Action Plan before going live with the campaign, I was able to document the steps each week needed to be taken in order for me to reach my SMART Goals.

The purpose behind this was to clarify the resources (content) required to reach my SMART Goals. Therefore, formulating a timeline when specific resources needed to be posted and when.

The campaign

If you want to checkout my social media pages for yourself then click on the links below.

Instagram:VeCan Puds social media page

Pinterest:VeCan Puds social media page

Analysis of campaign

At the end of my campaign I analysed how the campaign went, I did this by reviewing the campaign in weekly stages. This then gave me an overview for each week and if I had hit my 'SMART goal weekly achievements' set out for each week.

After evaluating my weekly goals, I then compared my entire campaign against my over all SMART goals to see if I have hit my targets. This would then give me the results of if the campaign has been a success.